NH Chimney Repair
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NH Chimney Liner Repair
NH Chimney liner repair can vary greatly in price due to a number of factors including roof access and whether or not the current defective lining system needs to be removed. However, to give a rough range of prices, an oil chimney liner replacement in NH will usually run anywhere from $1900-$3000.
A wood stove chimney liner replacement is a bit more expensive because the current wood stove lining system nearly always needs to be removed. The price for a wood stove lining system replacement in NH is generally between $2200-$3500.
Fireplace chimney liner replacements usually start around $2750-$4000. Fireplace lining system repairs are by far the most expensive because fireplaces require a very large lining system.

Why Is It Important To Repair A Chimney Liner In NH?
It is important to repair a chimney liner in NH because NH is a naturally cold state where chimneys are used far more often throughout the year than many other states in the country. Because we use our chimneys so frequently in the cold state of NH, it is very important that we keep our chimneys as safe as possible.
Using a chimney with a defective chimney liner is not safe whatsoever. Using a chimney that needs a chimney liner repair is inviting carbon monoxide or a chimney fire into your home depending on the appliance venting into the chimney. Replacing a chimney liner can certainly be a relatively expensive project, but keeping toxic gasses and potential chimney fires contained inside of a fully functioning chimney liner is well worth it. With a defective chimney liner, a chimney fire has a better chance of spreading into a structural fire because it is not contained inside of it's intended lining system. With a proper chimney liner, the fire will not be able escape the lining system, and therefore, the chances of the flue fire extending into a structural fire are greatly reduced.

What Is Involved In A Chimney Lining Repair?
A chimney liner repair begins with a chimney inspection performed by a certified chimney sweep. A certified chimney sweep is trained to look for potential defects in a chimney liner with the goal being to keep the chimney as safe as humanly possible. When a certified chimney sweep finds cracks, gaps, or other defects in the chimney liner, they know that the lining system is not safe for further use and they will need to recommend a replacement.
The first thing a certified chimney sweep will do when they realize the chimney liner must be replaced is gather all required measurements for the chimney liner including properly sizing the chimney liner for the appliance type. Once the chimney liner has been sized and all appropriate components have been measured for length, the certified chimney sweep will order the chimney liner replacement parts.
Parts can take a varying amount of time to become available based upon the time of year. During the fall, which is the busy season in the chimney industry, parts can take up to a full month to come in. For this reason, we recommend having chimney repairs and maintenance performed in the spring.
Once the parts for the repair become available and we receive them, the installation process begins. A chimney liner installation process is different in every case, but it will always begin with setting up some sort of safe roof access. We need to be as safe as possible while bringing the large chimney liner onto the roof. Sometimes these liners are up to fifty feet long!
Once safe roof access has been established we will begin by opening up the thimble or damper area depending on what kind of liner is being installed. (All floors will be protected in our work area to avoid staining on the carpets where applicable) Once we have a workable area toward the bottom of where our liner will terminate, we will begin our work toward the top of the chimney.
At the top of the chimney we will either begin to break the current clay flue tiles out, or begin to drop the liner down the existing flue tiles. We will always break the existing flue tiles out of the chimney if the tiles have creosote on them that could not be easily removed in order to prevent a chimney fire from happening on the outside of the newly installed lining system. We will also remove the current, defective clay tile flue system if there is not enough room inside of it to fit a properly sized, stainless steel lining system.
Once the clay flue tiles have been removed, (when applicable) we will drop the new lining system down from the top of the chimney. We will, at times, use a pulling cone and a rope to help direct the new chimney liner to the prepared hole at the bottom of the chimney. Once the new chimney liner is all the way down the chimney to the prepared hole at the bottom, we will connect the new chimney liner to the appliance using only approved components designed for such use. (fireplaces are done a little differently) Once the bottom is terminated properly and the new chimney liner is properly connected to the appliance, we will use our approved top kit, which includes a rain cap, to properly terminate the chimney liner at the top of the chimney. At this point, the new chimney liner has been successfully installed, and we will begin cleaning up. (The installation process takes anywhere between four and twelve hours.) Cleaning up involves taking all the old clay lining system with us in a series of five gallon buckets when applicable. It also incorporates cleaning all floors in our work area with a high powered HEPA filtrated vacuum designed to prevent the smallest dust particles from getting into the air.
Once clean up is complete, the job is done! We will remove our scaffolding from the roof and/or any other roof safety equipment we have set up, and we will be on our way. If you have any specific questions about our chimney liner installation process, please don't hesitate to ask!

Does Anything Chimney Insulate Their Chimney Liners?
Anything Chimney insulates all chimney liners that will be venting solid fuel. The reason being is that the insulation around the chimney liner will help prevent large amounts of creosote from building up inside of the chimney liner. The insulation also makes the chimney liner "zero clearance," which means that even if there is a combustible touching the chimney, in the event of a chimney fire, the fire will be contained inside of the chimney lining system. An insulated chimney liner will, by far, outperform a non insulated lining system, and it is, by far, much safer. That is the reason that Anything Chimney will only install insulated chimney liners for solid fuel burning appliances and fireplaces.
The photo on the right (above this section on a mobile phone) is of an insulated chimney liner. The metal on the outside is just a protective layer that keeps the layer of insulation inside of it from becoming damaged. Inside of the protective layer and the insulation layer is the actual chimney liner. These kinds of chimney liners are rated for "zero clearance."

Why Would A Chimney Liner Need To Be Repaired In NH?
Oil fumes can actually eat through some forms of steel chimney liners as well, that's why it is so important to have a certified chimney sweep install the replacement chimney liner when it is necessary to do so. Some forms of metal, and some thicknesses of metal can not withstand the damage that is caused by the sulfuric acid produced by burning oil.
The second reason that a chimney liner would need to be repaired in NH is if the chimney liner underwent a concentrated high heat event. A simpler term for this type of event is a chimney fire. If a chimney liner goes through a chimney fire there is a high probability that the chimney liner has become defective over the course of the chimney fire. This is especially true when it comes to clay chimney liners. Clay chimney liners will easily crack when faced with a concentrated high heat event like a chimney fire. Once a chimney liner has cracked, it is no longer able to contain the by-products of combustion and must be replaced per NFPA 211 standards.
The third most common reason that we see chimney liners that need to be replaced in NH is when there are gaps in the flue tiles. (excluding oil burning flues) The reason these gaps tend to appear in between the flue tiles is often because an incorrect form of mortar was used when constructing the original clay flue liner. When building a clay flue liner, a more expensive version of mortar known as refractory, non water soluble mortar is supposed to be used. When this form of mortar is not used it can cause the mortar joints to flake and wash away over time creating holes and gaps in the lining system. (This process is accelerated when their is no chimney cap present) These holes and gaps make the chimney liner incapable of containing the by-products of combustion and per NFPA 211 standards, the chimney liner must be replaced.

NH Chimney Pointing

Why is Chimney Pointing Important in NH?

How Is Chimney Pointing Done?

NH Chimney Flashing Repair

Why Is It Important To Repair Chimney Flashing In NH?

Does Anything Chimney Repair Chimney Flashing?
Anything Chimney absolutely repairs chimney flashing!
Not sure if your chimney flashing needs to be repaired or replaced?
That's why we do the chimney inspection! Through our inspection we will be able to gauge the level of your flashing deterioration so that we can provide you with an accurate quote for your flashing repair. On top of that, we'll be able to tell you if there are any other issues that should be attended to so you don't have additional issues down the line!

NH Chimney Crown Repair

Why Is Chimney Crown Repair Important In NH?
Chimney crown repair is important in NH because a defective chimney crown creates an active water penetration point into the chimney. A defective chimney crown also creates a water absorption point into the top courses of chimney bricks. When water gets absorbed into the top courses of chimney bricks, it will begin to freeze and thaw during the colder months in NH. When water freezes and thaws the top courses of chimney bricks, it can lead to the brick faces popping off. (This is known as spalling bricks) When this happens, the defective bricks will then need to be replaced.
When water is able to enter the chimney through the defective chimney crown, we end up with water at the very base of the chimney, usually in the basement of the home. This rainwater can cause accelerated degradation to the base of the chimney in the basement, which can lead to more expensive repairs down the line in order to preserve the integrity of the chimney structure.
In summary, repairing a chimney crown can save a homeowner a lot of time, aggravation and money down the line, and it is relatively inexpensive to do.

How Much Does Chimney Crown Repair Cost In NH?

NH Chimney Waterproofing
Chimney waterproofing is the act of applying a specialized waterproofing formula specifically designed for chimneys to the entire chimney structure where the chimney is exposed to the outside elements.
When chimney waterproofing is done properly, it acts as a breathable barrier that allows internal water vapors to vent out of the chimney bricks, but it does not allow new moisture to enter the chimney structure. Rain water and moisture will simply bead off of the chimney instead of absorbing into the chimney the way that it normally would. This protects the chimney against the freezing and thawing damage that often becomes prevalent in cold NH weather.

Why Is It Important To Waterproof A Chimney In NH?
The reason that a chimney should be waterproofed in NH is to preserve the life of the chimney. The brand of chimney waterproofing formula available to professionals, and the brand that Anything Chimney personally uses comes with a ten year warranty. This means that a chimney in NH only needs to be waterproofed once every ten years.
What will happen if a chimney is not waterproofed is more rapid degradation. A chimney that is not waterproofed will absorb moisture that will freeze and thaw during the colder winter months in NH. Because of this, Some bricks may become defective and need replacement.
To remedy the damaging effects of the freeze thaw cycle, we always recommend that a chimney be waterproofed if it has not been waterproofed in the last ten years.

How Much Does Chimney Waterproofing Cost In NH?

NH Chimney Rebuilding
A chimney should be rebuilt in NH if there are full, visible gaps between the mortar joints, the brick faces are falling off, or the bricks are completely loose due to a bond break between the bricks and the mortar.
A NH certified chimney sweep is trained to determine whether or not a chimney needs to be rebuilt in NH. If you see loose bricks towards the top of your chimney, or something just doesn't look the best up there, please, feel free to give us a call. Our certified chimney sweeps would be happy to give you an thorough and honest chimney inspection.

What Does A Chimney Rebuild Entail?

How Much Does It Cost To Rebuild A Chimney In NH?
Service Area
Salem NH
Anything Chimney provides chimney cleaning services in Salem NH and all surrounding NH towns. Anything Chimney does not provide chimney cleaning services in the state of Massachusetts.
Derry NH
Anything Chimney provides amazing chimney cleaning services in the town of Derry and all surrounding towns including Hampstead NH and Sandown NH.
Londonderry NH
Anything Chimney provides top notch chimney cleaning services in the town of Londonderry and all surrounding towns including Hudson NH and Litchfiled NH.
Windham NH
Anything Chimney provides the very best chimney cleaning services in Windham NH.
Nashua NH
Anything Chimney provides first class chimney cleaning services in Nashua NH.
Hollis NH
Anything Chimney provides it's highly reviewed chimney cleaning services to the residents and businesses in Hollis NH.
Manchester NH
Anything Chimney was founded in Manchester, NH. We are currently located only five minutes from Manchester and love visiting our home town!
Concord NH
The capital city is one of our favorite places to be! Anything Chimney does provide chimney cleaning services in the city of Concord NH
Bedford NH
Anything Chimney has many Bedford NH chimney cleaning clients!
Dover NH
Anything Chimney provides chimney cleaning services to the beautiful city of Dover NH
Rochester NH
Anything Chimney provides chimney cleaning services to both Rochester and Gonic.
Portsmouth NH
Portsmouth is towards the very end of our chimney cleaning service zone in NH, but we absoloutly do provide our highly rated chimney cleaning services in Portsmouth NH!